Installation in a development environment

Install the virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper software packages.

Ensure to source the correct virtualenvwrapper shell script before installing the development environment, on Ubuntu that would be source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/

Create a virtualenv for phabfive running on Python 3.8:

mkvirtualenv phabfive --python=python3.8

Install code in editable mode and pull in all test and documentation dependencies:

workon phabfive37
pip install -e '.[test,docs]'

Build and run in a Docker image

Build a Docker image:

docker build -t phabfive .

Run a one-off execution:

docker run --rm phabfive
docker run --rm phabfive passphrase --help

Run unittests

This repo uses pytest module as the test runner and tox to orchestrate tests for various Python versions.

To run the tests locally on your machine for all supported and installed versions of Python 3:

make test

Or individually for Python 3.8 and Python 3.10:

tox -e py38
tox -e py310

Old versions of Python are available in the Deadsnakes PPA for Ubuntu or EPEL for Red Hat.

Set up a Phabricator instance for tests

Follow the instructions at to install Docker, once this is done continue with the steps below.

Go into the tests directory and start the Bitnami Docker image for Phabricator and MySQL. The documentation for that image is at:

cd tests
docker-compose up -d

Now Phabricator is accessible on localhost. Go to and log in with user user and password bitnami1, then head over to to create your Conduit API token. Add those to ~/.config/phabfive.yaml, here is an example:

PHAB_TOKEN: api-2hwi... (your token)

You should now be able to run phabfive against your own local copy of Phabricator!

To view logs as they come in: docker-compose logs -f To shut down containers and remove its data: docker-compose down -v

Run mkdocs locally for documentation updates

Overall documentation for mkdocs can be found at Mkdocs homepage

Install mkdocs in a virtualenv

pip install mkdocs

From the root of phabfive project folder run

$ mkdocs serve

INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
[I 160402 15:50:43 server:271] Serving on
[I 160402 15:50:43 handlers:58] Start watching changes
[I 160402 15:50:43 handlers:60] Start detecting changes

Surf into to view the rendered docs.